Opalite Mitten


Opalite is also believed to promote communication and understanding, making it an ideal stone for those who are seeking harmony in their lives. measuring about 3x2in

Opalite is a man-made glass that resembles natural Opal and Moonstone, both in appearance and in the unique way it plays with light.

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Opalite is also believed to promote communication and understanding, making it an ideal stone for those who are seeking harmony in their lives. measuring about 3x2in

Opalite is a man-made glass that resembles natural Opal and Moonstone, both in appearance and in the unique way it plays with light.

Opalite is also believed to promote communication and understanding, making it an ideal stone for those who are seeking harmony in their lives. measuring about 3x2in

Opalite is a man-made glass that resembles natural Opal and Moonstone, both in appearance and in the unique way it plays with light.